A Dental Practice Reception highlighting different generations in the waiting room

Marketing Your Dental Practice: Who’s Your Audience? Are Meta Adverts Actually effective?

July 31, 20248 min read

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to marketing. However, there can be a right or wrong strategy.

In today's rapidly changing digital landscape, dental practices must adapt their marketing approaches to effectively reach and engage patients across different generations. This article explores the distinct preferences and behaviors of Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z, offering insights on how dental practices can tailor their marketing strategies to remain competitive and relevant.

Ever thought about how your audience consumes information? 

We have all heard of the different generations: Boomers, Gen X, Millenials, GenZ, Gen Alpha - but what does it all mean? When it comes to your business, it is key to understand who you want to serve. Understanding your ideal patient gives you insights into ‘how to speak to them’ or ‘where they hang out’ or ‘how to best reach them’. There is absolutely no point focusing on TikTok, for example, if you are attempting to attract your local population which is primarily composed by GenX.

Before we delve any further; however, let’s have a look at the key four generational players:

  • Boomers (born 1946-1964): Boomers tend to consume information through traditional media such as newspapers, television, and radio. However, many are also active on social media, particularly Facebook. They value clear, concise information and are less likely to engage with slang or overly casual language.

  • Gen X (born 1965-1980): Gen Xers consume content through a mix of traditional and digital media. They appreciate in-depth information and are comfortable with longer-form content. While they actively use the internet, they still engage with print media and television. Dental practices should consider providing detailed blog posts or informative videos about dental procedures and oral health to cater to this generation's preference for comprehensive information.

  • Millennials (born 1981-1996): As digital natives, Millennials prefer quick, easily digestible content. They are more likely to consume information through social media, blogs, and mobile apps. Dental practices can reach this generation by creating concise, visually appealing content on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, highlighting the benefits of various dental treatments and showcasing before-and-after results.

  • Gen Z (born 1997-2012): Gen Z has grown up in a fully digital world and has the shortest attention span of all generations. They prefer visual content, such as short videos and infographics. To engage Gen Z patients, dental practices should focus on creating bite-sized, visually appealing content that can be quickly consumed on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

Preferred Marketing Channels

As per the previous section, the way in which generations consume information has evolved - and will continue evolving. New medias set new trends that resonate better with the younger generations - giving birth to new ways of advertising. 

Here is an insight into the marketing channels that resonate with each generation. You will notice some overlaps between generations preferences, especially those that are back-to-back. However, you will also see some significant differences - especially with those generations further apart.


  • Direct mail and print media

  • Email marketing

  • Facebook

Dental practices can reach Boomers through targeted email campaigns and by maintaining an active presence on Facebook. Direct mail campaigns can also be effective for this generation.

Gen X:

  • Email marketing

  • Facebook and LinkedIn

  • Traditional media (TV, radio, print)

Dental practices can reach Gen X patients through targeted email campaigns and by maintaining an active presence on Facebook and LinkedIn. Occasional direct mail campaigns may also be effective for this generation.


  • Instagram and Facebook

  • Influencer marketing

  • Content marketing (blogs, podcasts)

To engage Millennial patients, dental practices should focus on creating engaging content for Instagram and Facebook. Collaborating with local influencers or satisfied patients for testimonials can also be an effective strategy.

Gen Z:

  • TikTok and Instagram

  • YouTube

  • Micro-influencers and user-generated content

Dental practices looking to attract Gen Z patients should develop a strong presence on TikTok and Instagram, creating short, engaging videos that showcase their services and highlight patient experiences.

Are Online Reviews Worth It?

Online reviews have become increasingly important across all generations, but their impact varies.

  • Boomers: Boomers value online reviews but may also rely on word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family.

  • Gen X: While they value online reviews, Gen Xers are more likely to seek out detailed, in-depth reviews and may be more skeptical of overly positive feedback.

  • Millennials: This generation heavily relies on online reviews, with 91% of Millennials trusting online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

  • Gen Z: Gen Z places high importance on authenticity and peer opinions. They are more likely to trust user-generated content and reviews from micro-influencers.

Dental practices should actively manage their online reputation across various platforms, encouraging satisfied patients to leave reviews and promptly addressing any negative feedback.

However - the most important question remains: who is it that you want to attract? 

Did you know GenZ uses TikTok as a Search Engine instead of Google? 

A recent study by Google found that nearly 40% of Gen Z prefers using TikTok and Instagram for search instead of Google or other traditional search engines. This shift is driven by Gen Z's preference for visual, concise, and authentic content. They find TikTok's short-form video format more engaging and trustworthy for discovering information about products, services, and experiences. Maybe have your patients record a video testimonial?

Dental practices can leverage this trend by creating informative and engaging TikTok content that answers common dental questions, showcases procedures, and highlights patient testimonials. This approach can help practices appear in TikTok searches and attract Gen Z patients.

Best Practices for Capturing Attention

To effectively capture the attention of different generations, dental practices should consider the following strategies:


  • Use clear, concise language in all communications

  • Maintain an active presence on Facebook

  • Send personalized direct mail offers

Gen X:

  • Provide detailed, informative content about dental procedures and services

  • Use email marketing with personalized offers

  • Maintain an active presence on Facebook and LinkedIn


  • Create engaging, shareable content on Instagram and Facebook, such as a video explaining how to keep the dentist at bay by regularly using the hygienist

  • Collaborate with local influencers or satisfied patients for testimonials

  • Offer convenient online booking and communication options

Gen Z:

  • Develop a strong presence on TikTok and Instagram with short, engaging videos, such as a quick tour of the dental office or a fun, educational video on the importance of flossing

  • Encourage patients to share their experiences on social media

  • Highlight your practice's values and community involvement

Implications for Dental Practices

To remain relevant and competitive, dental practices need to:

  1. Diversify Marketing Channels: Reach all generations effectively by using a mix of traditional and digital marketing channels.

  2. Create Tailored Content: Develop content tailored to each generation's preferences and attention spans. This can be expensive, so concentrate efforts by determining who you want to attract. Run an 80/20 analysis to focus on the most impactful marketing activities. The Pareto principle suggests that 80% of your results will come from 20% of your efforts. Identify the key marketing activities that yield the highest return and focus on those.

  3. Encourage and Manage Online Reviews: Actively manage your online reputation across multiple platforms, encouraging satisfied patients to leave reviews and promptly addressing any negative feedback.

  4. Leverage Visual Social Media Platforms: Develop a strong presence on visual social media platforms, especially TikTok for reaching Gen Z.

  5. Emphasize Authenticity and Transparency: Be authentic and transparent in all marketing efforts to build trust with potential patients.

  6. Offer Digital-First Services: Provide digital-first services like online booking, virtual consultations, and mobile apps to meet the convenience expectations of modern patients.

Strategic Marketing Decisions

Marketing needs to be tailored to the patients you want to attract. There is no right or wrong answer, but you need to be strategic and align the end results you want with the campaigns you run.

  • Analyse Local Demographics: When’s the last time you looked at your local demographic and made marketing decisions based on that? Or do you just look at the demographic of people that show up to your practice? Sure, looking at your existing demographic is useful, but if that’s the only data point you use, and tailor your marketing to that, you may be left with no clients. The local demographic could be changing and become significantly different from your patient base, making your ads and marketing irrelevant or ineffective. Utilize tools and services to analyze local demographics and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly.

  • Conduct Market Research: Use market research to identify the most promising locations for your dental practice based on demographic factors. Analyzing areas with a growing population or underserved communities can lead to a strategic placement of your practice where it's needed most.

  • Think Beyond Marketing: Marketing gets you a foot in the door - but are you serving the right products or the right bundles? It’s not just the marketing preferences that change over the years. Payment preferences change too. Boomers and GenX may have preferred paying in full or by cash. Millenials and GenZ may prefer paying a subscription or monthly instalments.

By understanding and adapting to the unique preferences of each generation, dental practices can create more targeted and effective marketing strategies. This approach will not only help attract new patients but also foster loyalty among existing ones across all age groups.


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